Ο Στίβος και τα Μαθηματικά
Αγωνίσματα στίβου:
Με τον όρο «στίβος» χαρακτηρίζεται το σύνολο των αγωνισμάτων, ειδικότερα του κλασικού αθλητισμού, που διεξάγονται στο χώρο αυτό και στον οποίο περιλαμβάνονται:
Αγώνες δρόμου:
αγώνες ταχύτητας
αγώνες ημι-αντοχής (1 μίλι κλπ)
αγώνες αντοχής
αθλήματα ρίψεων (δισκοβολία-ακοντισμός-σφυροβολία-σφαιροβολία)

Divisibility by seven!
Nigerian youngster Master Chika Ofili, age 12, has won a special academic award in the UK after making a new discovery in mathematics for divisibility by seven.
In an article in an educational journal, his mathematics teacher, Mary Ellis who is also the head of the maths department at Westminster Under School, said Chika discovered the new formula after a holiday assignment. She said that she gave Chika a book called First Steps for Problem Solvers to study during the holidays and he arrived at the formula after going through it.

Drive-your-friends-crazy game!
Place a number of coins on the table in a round arrangement. In the following chart we have used 11, but you can use 10, 20 or as many as you like. The two players alternately remove one or two coins from the circle. The only limitation is that if two coins are removed they have to be in adjacent positions, which means that there may be no other coins or gaps between them. The player who takes the last coin or the last two coins wins.
Let the other player play first. Can you think of a strategy so that you always win?

" What do you like? Let's get to know each other better"
Math editing teams from Greece and Spain voted for their favorite activities!
The relationship between music and mathematics is much closer than one might think at first sight.
Music and maths have in common that both need creativity to develop. Moreover, both are universal languages that require their learning to be able to decipher them and both seek beauty. Learning them together is nothing more than continuing this natural parallelism.
On the one hand, mathematics is the fundamental tool for the treatment of the physical processes that generate music; but, on the other hand, mathematics is in the very essence of this art. The way to choose the musical notes, their disposition, the tones, the times and even a large part of the methods of composition are pure mathematics
In the sixth century B.C., in Mesopotamia, they would already know the numerical relationships between string lengths.
In the fourth century B.C. in Greece, Pythagoras studied these relationships, beginning western European musical theory.
Since then, music attracted the attention of mathematicians. Scientific and mathematical speculations about music are founded on the principle that sound is a measurable physical phenomenon with accuracy, since any vibrating body emits, according to the number of vibrations per second, a sound of a certain height.
The diatonic scale, used in western music, is arranged in seven sounds that they are in certain simple numerical relationships with each other.
Thus, our scale is organized from seven notes, which are obtained by combining four relationships: the unison, the fourth (3L/4), the fifth (2L/3) and the eighth (2L).