Othisi High School
Othisi is a Senior and Junior High School which was founded in 2001. It is located in a northern suburb of Athens, Stamata. The school is not situated in a typical urban environment but it is built in a natural setting full of pine trees and fresh air.
There are over 300 students but no more than 20 in each class.
Ever since its creation, students have been encouraged to take initiative and become independent individuals but they have also proved themselves to be capable of thinking out of the box.
A team spirit is fostered through various activities such as Clubs, trips, school events both on site and in other venues, and educational programmes, which take place in Greece or abroad.
Othisi has been an eTwinning School since 2018.
eTwinning Organising Team
Secondary School

Alighieri-Pascoli is a public Secondary School located in Città di Castello, a Renaissance town situated in the north of Umbria, a region in the centre of Italy .It has got two different buildings. One of them was built in the 1960s and the other one in the 1980s. It accomodates about 791 students from 11-14. Priorities for our school are : development of the citizenship, development of skills, education to wellbeing through inclusion and emotional education , prevention of bullying. We want to educate our students to become better European citizens through dialogue and exchanging experiences among different cultures and people, to encourage them to collaborate with other teenagers from abroad, and to develop their skills by means of ITC. Students study two foreign languages : English and French or Spanish. Our strenghts are : Music (we have an important music contest called Concorso Zangarelli that involves pupils from all over Italy ), Foreign languages( our school offers European certifications), Drama, Video Production, Sports ( many specialities, in particular climbing ). They also participate to Olympic competitions of Maths. Every year we run many PON projects. We began to work on eTwinning projects in September 2018 . Last year our Institute became an eTwinning School and we are working on an Erasmus+ project.
Addobbati und Brunner Schule
Those are the Addobbati and Brunner School. Addobbati’s address is Friuli Street, number 38/2.
The school is medium in size but has a large gym and a large garden and library. Inside we also find the classroom of technology, art, music and science.
The lessons start at 08:00 a.m. until 14:00 p.m.
In between there are three breaks, two of 10 minutes and one of 5.
In the school there are three sections C, D and E. In the first two sections you study German and in the last one Spanish.
Our school is called “Guido Brunner” and is “connected” with the Addobbati school.
The Brunner school is situated in Trieste. It has two entrances, the first one is in “Via delle Ginestre” street, and the second one is in “Via Montorsino” street.
It’s quite small: it has two floors, the ground floor and the first floor where there are the classrooms for normal lessons, in the last floor there are “special” classrooms such as the Science classroom, Music classroom, or the computers’ room.
In the car park there’s a little place where we can spend the break (there are three breaks and six hours of lessons).
In the school there’s a library, too. It’s small but there’re a lot of books, and I really like it.
The school has only two sections, A and B. In both classes we study English and German.
I think that Brunner school is so pretty: it’s small but… great!
During the year we carry out many activities, such as Etwinning, and we take part in many regional and
3ο Γυμνάσιο Καλαμάτας
The 3rd Gymnasium Kalamata is a relatively small general education, lower secondary public institution with approximately 250 students and 30 teachers. It is located in the city of Kalamata, in the south-west Peloponnesus. The area surrounding the city is mostly agricultural with a slight percentage of developing industries.
The school is also the delegated school in our city for students with special educational needs.
To motivate our students and to ensure the same educational opportunities for them, we also take part in many innovative activities, both in our curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Through these we aim to promote
activities and education on different levels as well as lifelong education in different fields,
cultural, social and sport activities leading to the global education, development and cooperation
a safe and friendly educational environment and fight bullying,
e-learning as an important educational tool,
respect for the environment and the importance of sustainable living.

1st Primary School Bjelovar
1st Primary School Bjelovar is situated in Bjelovar-Bilogora county in Croatia and it is the largest school in Bjelovar. It comprises one central and 5 branch schools. Classes are held in 20 modernly equipped classrooms and 12 cabinets. The school is a member of the UNESCO ASPnet, and pupils take part in various eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects where our pupils and educators are encouraged and motivated to develop, test and share innovative educational materials, as well as gain new knowledge and experience.
7th Junior High School of Ioannina
Our school was founded in 1983. Initially, it was housed in the building of the 7th Elementary School at Omirou Square and the lessons were held in the afternoons. It was a big school with more than 500 students and each class consisted of 30-35 students and nearly all subjects were taught.
In the academic year 1984-1985 it moved to today’s location, Sinikismos Kiafas, (9, P. Mekali Street) in which it is located up to now. Except of the teaching rooms, our school has also a laboratory of Physics and Chemistry, two classrooms for the teaching of ICT classes, a Technology lab as well as a Library. Unfortunately there are no athletic facilities (gym) and no auditorium.
The present capacity of our school is about 200 students and the staff of our school comes up to 20 people. The lessons are held in the mornings.
Our school is involved in many eTwinning and Erasmus projects, and our students have won many National and European Quality Labels. The 7th Junior High School of Ioannina is an eTwinning School since 2017.
Experimental General Lyceum of Heraklion
The Experimental General Lyceum of Heraklion is a public Upper Secondary School. It was founded in 1989 and up to now it is hosted in the building of the former Academy of Pedagogy. It currently has 237 pupils and 26 teachers.
The teaching staff and the pupils are involved in various activities like Clubs, European projects, educational programs and trips, events, national and international competitions, digital pupils’ newspaper. The Experimental General Lyceum is an eTwinning School since 2018.
Three foreign languages are taught: English, German and French. A Club operates also where pupils learn the Turkish language.
Miguel de Cervantes High School
Miguel de Cervantes High School is an important school in the centre of Bucharest where students can study Spanish from an early age. We are a big school, having both primary and secondary classes, which comprises a total number of 1087 students.
It was founded 60 years ago and since 2004 it has been a Bilingual school, benefitting from an agreement between our Ministry of Education and that of Spain. Thus, among our dedicated teachers we have a native Spanish teacher who teaches our students subjects related to the Spanish culture and civilization. Apart from the Spanish profile, the students also study the Romanian curriculum, which includes both Humanities and Sciences subjects.
Our students love getting involved in many European projects, Erasmus+ and eTwinning, and, for this reason, in 2018, we were awarded the European school label.
We like to think that we are a big family as most of our students spend more than 12 years in this community, making long-lasting relationships with both colleagues and teachers.

Cousteau School
Cousteau school is a middle school (« collège » in French) located in Breuil-le-Vert, a middle size city 70km north of Paris.
There are 720 students from 10 to 15 among whom, special-need and hearing-impaired students. All of them are encouraged to see beyond the limits of their local environment by taking part in European projects such as eTwinning, by going abroad thanks to school trips and school partnerships.
Three foreign languages are taught in the school : German, Spanish and English. The school staff aims at making the diversity of the students an asset.

Το Αριστοτέλειο Κολλέγιο είναι ιδιωτικό σχολείο και αποτελεί πλέον έναν από τους σημαντικούς εκπαιδευτικούς θεσμούς της Θεσσαλονίκης. Περιλαμβάνει όλες τις βαθμίδες της εκπαίδευσης, από Παιδικό σταθμό, Νηπιαγωγείο, Δημοτικό σχολείο, Γυμνάσιο και Λύκειο.
Το Αριστοτέλειο Κολλέγιο έχει σκοπό οργανωμένα να
μεγιστοποιήσει όλες τις ικανότητες των μαθητών του για να αναπτύξουν τις δεξιότητες που χρειάζονται ώστε να ενταχθούν ομαλά στο κοινωνικό περιβάλλον.
Μέσα από τη συμμετοχή σε προγράμματα (Erasmus+, eTwinning, Μοντέλο Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Μαθητικούς Διαγωνισμούς, Θεατρική ομάδα, Αθλητικές ομάδες κ.α.) μαθαίνει στους μαθητές πώς να γίνουν άτομα με ηθικές αξίες και αυτοπειθαρχούμενα.
Έτσι το ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟ αναδεικνύεται ως ένα σχολείο που ξεχωρίζει και επιδιώκει την ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη του μαθητή και εργάζεται για τη μελλοντική του πρόοδο και επιτυχία.
Στο Αριστοτέλειο Κολλέγιο έχει απονεμηθεί το “Peyo Yavorov” Prize (2017) για το έργο Active Book Club (που ενθαρρύνει την αγάπη της ανάγνωσης μεταξύ των νέων)
το e Twinning School Label (2018)
Our school is located in the south of Italy, near the wonderful city of Naples. The present school was born in 2013,from the fusion of two separate secondary schools, “Settembrini” and “Ciaramella”. It takes its name from Rita Levi Montalcini, one of the female scientist who represented Italian research in the last century the most, struggling with incredible ardour for the preserving of public funding for research at congruous levels. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1986 and served in the Italian Senate as a senator for life. Rita Levi-Montalcini died aged 103, thereby becoming the longest-living Nobel Laureate. The school is very big and divided in two separate buildings with an auditorium, and a lot of laboratories: one musical, one scientific, one marine, one linguistic, three ICT, one library, one outdoor and two indoor gyms. There are about 1200 students in 3 levels, from grade 6 to grade 8, aged 10 to 14. We started the e-Twinning adventure in 2017/2018 with the project “One box, one country”, which received the National Quality label and continued with the project “e-Tourist e-Twinner” in 2018/2019, which received both the National and the European quality label. Last year our school was awarded with the e-Twinning school label.
SCHOOL WEB SITE : https://www.scuolamontalciniafragola.edu.it/
SCHOOL MAGAZINE: https://www.scuolamontalciniafragola.edu.it/giornalino-dell-istituto/

2o Γυμνάσιο Αγίων Αναργύρων
Το σχολείο μας βρίσκεται στους Αγίους Αναργύρους και λειτουργεί από το 1994. Από την ίδρυσή του διακρινόταν και διακρίνεται για ποικίλες δράσεις όπως η συμμετοχή σε περιβαλλοντικά και πολιτιστικά προγράμματα, οι πρωτιές σε διάφορα αθλήματα , αλλά και η ξεχωριστή μας παρουσία με κατ’ έτος παραστάσεις παραδοσιακών χορών σε πολιτιστικό χώρο του Δήμου μας. Το 2ο Γυμνάσιο εντάσσεται στα ψηφιακά σχολεία αξιοποιώντας διαδραστικά συστήματα διδασκαλίας από το 2011 και έχει αποσπάσει το 1ο Βραβείο στην κατηγορία project, συμμετέχοντας στο Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα « Κύπρος-Ελλάδα-Ομογένεια: Εκπαιδευτικές γέφυρες». Τέλος δίνει μεγάλη βαρύτητα στην ολόπλευρη ψυχοπνευματική ανάπτυξη των μαθητών του και στην υγιή κοινωνικοποίηση τους. Το σχολείο διαθέτει 9 τμήματα και το σύνολο των μαθητών φτάνει τους 200.

Primary school in Morawica
Our Primary School is located in a tiny town called Morawica in the Świętokrzyskie province. The students are between 5 and 15. In the same building there is a primary school and a kindergarten.
The school patron is a well known Polish writer Kornel Makuszyński who wrote books mainly for children. Primary School in Morawica is perceived as one of the best ones in the region. The students achieve great results. The teachers are dedicative and willing to work on numerous innovations.
The school has got lots of successes in European cooperation. Over 12 projects were awarded with National Quality Label and 7 European Quality Label. In 2018 it became an eTwinning School.
8th General Lyceum of Volos

The “8th General Lyceum of Volos” is a High School located in Volos, a city of central Greece. This coastal port city lies in the Pagasetic gulf, the sea from which Jason and his Argonauts sailed to Colchis to retrieve the golden fleece, and is surrounded by mount Pelion, the mountain of Centaurs.
Our school, which was established in 1998, is attended by 175 students, aged 15 - 18 years old, and is served by 25 teachers. It provides a general education in the areas of Modern and Ancient Greek language, English language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, informatics and physical education.
Almost every year our students rank very high, among their peers in Volos, in the college entrance exams. They also excel in national exams for mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature and athletics.
Besides our academic achievements our students are encouraged to participate in European programs such as Erasmus+ and eTwinning, environmental programs and programs that promote the awareness of minority rights and other social issues.
Şehit Mehmet Şengül Science High School
Şehit Mehmet Şengül Science High School is located in Eskişehir, Turkey. As a science high school we have been active since 2016. In our school we have 480 students, 29 teachers, 24 classrooms. Also we have 3 labs, 1 music class and 1 art class, and project design studios There are more than 20 clubs such as photography club, drama club, democracy club, stem club...
In our school there is a library as well. You can find poem books, novels and student books in there. Furthermore, our school has been taking part in a lot of projects like model aircraft project, MUN project and STEM project.
At our school’s backyard there are 3 dogs and 2 cats we look after, there is a basketball area and a football pitch and even a paintball area We have a hostel where students stay and .It is also suiatble for guests coming from other cities and countries.
IES Sedaví
IES Sedaví is a Secondary public school in Sedaví, a village very next to Valencia. We are less than 500 students and 50 teachers, so it is a medium size school.
Our students are from 12 to 18 years old. They start secondary school with us and finish High school, ready to go to University
We have different offers: science and technologies, social sciences and humanities.
We have been working with E twining for two years having several awards and very interesting activities
This is our web site:
Istituto Comprensivo di Grantorto
The Istituto Comprensivo di Grantorto is located between Padua and Vicenza and at 45 Km. from Venice. The Institute includes two primary school with ten classes each and a first grade secondary school with eleven classes.
The Institute was born in 1999, following the rationalization carried out in the area, when all the state schools in the municipalities of Gazzo and Grantorto were merged under a single direction.
Our school is involved in many eTwinning and Erasmus projects, and our students have won many National and European Quality Labels. I.C Grantorto is an eTwinning School since 2017.
Galvani –Opromolla
The middle school “Galvani –Opromolla” is located in Angri, a village near the famous city of Pompeii, in Southern Italy.
It comes out in 2012 from the fusion of two middle schools: Galvani and Opromolla.
There are 936 students and 42 classes from grade 6 to grade 8.
The school is divided in two separate buildings and houses several laboratories: two ICT, one techno Lab, one artistic, one linguistic, two musical and an indoor gymnasium.
Teaching staff and students take part in many projects and activities and this year, for the first time, e-Twinning too has been introduced.
Istituto Comprensivo "Ezio Giacich"
Our 50-year-old school has got about 1300 pupils in 7 different buildings and consists of 3 pre-primary schools (3-6), 3 primary schools (6-10) and one “middle school” (11-14). At the “middle school” there are 17 classes, about 380 students and about 40 teachers. Lessons are from Monday to Friday, from 7.45 to 13.30. The school year starts in September and ends in June.
Liceo Scientifico Albert Einstein
The name of our school is Albert Einstein and it's a scientific High School.
Our school is located in Palermo, Italy. The Scientific High School "Albert Einstein" was founded in 1969 with the name of "Third Scientific High School" following the split from the "S. Cannizzaro" high school. In 1982 the Institute acquired its current name.
3rd Gymnasium of Orestiada

The 3rd High School started operating in the city of Orestiada during the school year 1988 -1989. Initially, it was established in the Metropolisbuilding (a former girls' boarding school), while since September 1999 it has been housed in a newly erected, prefabricated building, which is located east of Orestiada’s Health Center. It is also located near the city's railway lines and opposite to sunflowers and cornfields.
It is the smallest high school in the city with 7 departments and 162 students.
It is a school which participates in European programs. Nevertheless, the students participating in this program are new to twinspaceprogram and its philosophybut have a lot of passion, appetite for cooperation and look forward tomeeting and communicating with other students! At the same time, innovative actions and educational activities are also taking place aiming at students’ active participation in the public sphere, initiativesdevelopment and school unit’s opening to the society.
4th "Heraklion" High School of Thebes

Our school, the 4th "Heraklion" High School of Thebes, was founded in 1987. It is located in the southern suburbs of the city, near the Municipal Stadium. It has an event hall, a physics-chemistryworkshop, computer lab, library and three teaching rooms with interactive boards. Our goal is, in addition to our teaching duties, to offeropportunities for collaboration, creativity and communication to our students.
Every year the school implements innovative actions and school programsactivities (such as Cultural Programs, Environmental Education, Health Education, etc.)and supports the use of ICT in the educational process. At our school the Comenius program on energy in the world (Comenius
project «My energy») has been implemented. More recently, eTwinning programs have been implemented as well, of which:
one was awarded a national and European quality label (European eTwinning project "Language and Art Galery", KilafiAthanasia) and one with a national quality label (nationaleTwinning program "In the attic of the grandmother", BenakiSotiria).
The school operated as a Training Support Center (TSC) for PE02 B-level trainingteachers. During the school year 2015-2016, the school led the way by creating 15 in-school groups, voluntarily by our teachers, with the aim of offering creative students’ activities, after school. The subjects varied according to students’ interests, such as sports, gardening, crossword puzzles, chess, journalism, photography, painting, literature, crafts, the environment,dance, the Italian culture and local culture.
6th High School of Petroupoli

Our school was founded in 1989 and is located in Petroupolis; a suburb of western Athens. It has 340 students and 34 teachers. Amongst other things, our students are taught Englishas a first foreign language and can choose between French or German as a second one. We havebeen participating in eTwinning projects since 2014 and our school has been awarded with 4 e-twinning quality labels and 2 European quality labels. It has also received a quality label of good practices for digital education from the Greek Ministry of Education.
During 2018-2019 school year, we implement an Erasmus + KA1 program entitled: "The school is ok". During 2021-2022 school year, an approved Erasmus + KA1 program entitled"Towards an innovative school" is in progress.
We also carry out cultural and environmental programs, literature meetings as well as, every year, we organize activities related to volunteering, active-citizen participation, professional counseling, bullying and other activities.
Through all these activities, our students broaden their learningprocesshorizons, get acquainted with other cultures, practice foreign languages, cultivateskills and discover alternative ways of communication and socialization
Model High School of Zosimaiais

The historical High School of Zosimaiais located in the center of Ioannina city and since 2015, it operates as a Model High School, associated, since 2020, with Zosimaia’s Model Lyceum.
Our school has 264 students, who are admitted to the High School with a written test. There are 4 classes per year, 22 students per class as well as Clubs of excellence,creativity & innovation.
In addition, a variety of educational activities are developed on an annual basis, such asinnovative teaching practices, curricula, teachingvisits, as well as programs of cooperation and students’ exchange with other school units, which actively involve students in the educational process, promoteactive, participatory learning and critical thinking, whilst further developing creativity and collaboration. PGZSI is an etwinning school since 2012.
6th High School of Petroupoli

Our school was founded in 1989 and is located in Petroupolis; a suburb of western Athens. It has 340 students and 34 teachers. Amongst other things, our students are taught Englishas a first foreign language and can choose between French or German as a second one. We havebeen participating in eTwinning projects since 2014 and our school has been awarded with 4 e-twinning quality labels and 2 European quality labels. It has also received a quality label of good practices for digital education from the Greek Ministry of Education.
During 2018-2019 school year, we implement an Erasmus + KA1 program entitled: "The school is ok". During 2021-2022 school year, an approved Erasmus + KA1 program entitled"Towards an innovative school" is in progress.
We also carry out cultural and environmental programs, literature meetings as well as, every year, we organize activities related to volunteering, active-citizen participation, professional counseling, bullying and other activities.
Through all these activities, our students broaden their learningprocesshorizons, get acquainted with other cultures, practice foreign languages, cultivateskills and discover alternative ways of communication and socialization

Our school is located in the village of Rio Caldo, Braga, Portugal and is located on the only National Park of our country – Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês.
At school we have students from pré-School to to ninth grade, with ages between 3 and 15 years old, in a total of 139 students.
Our school has 16 classrooms, one library, one canteen, a social room, a sports hall and some green spaces around the school.
A day of school, usually, has classes during 8 hours with different subjects, like Mathematics, Geography, English and Portuguese.
For us our school is very important for our future, is a place of learning and our “second home”!
The Istituto Comprensivo "Leonardo Sciascia" in Misterbianco (CT)

The Istituto Comprensivo "Leonardo Sciascia" in Misterbianco (CT) has about 1200 pupils from kindergarten, primary and low secondary school, spread over 5 buildings, for a total of 56 classes.
It has got a teaching staff of 110 teachers. It is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Misterbianco, in a territory that extends between the hamlets of Serra Superiore, Poggio Lupo and Belsito a few kilometers away from the urban center, so this area is configured more as a suburb of the capital than of the municipality to which it belongs.
It has developed a vertical curriculum for skills that combines continuity and unity of the educational offer and facilitates the connection with the second cycle of the education system, describing the entire training path of pupils from kindergarten to secondary school. The Institute pays particular attention to the enhancement of language skills and competences in the field of active and democratic citizenship, the development of responsible behavior, the prevention/contrast of early school leaving and the enhancement of school inclusion.
In recent years it has also started a process of internationalization of the training offer investing a lot of energy to enhance the language skills of students and teaching staff and not. This push for openness towards Europe has been realized in a project activity that has seen the intensification of curricular and intra - curricular training actions aimed at promoting intercultural education and active European citizenship, with the aim of training future European citizens aware of how important communicative competence is in one or more Community languages. The school has thus been able to provide the children with many cultural stimuli by encouraging them to develop and progress in their skills at a global level. Various projects have been launched, some already intended for kindergarten pupils, aimed at consolidating foreign language skills and obtaining English and French certifications (trinity The school has enthusiastically taken up the challenge of internationalization, especially by joining the ERASMUS + program. This has represented for our Institute an extraordinary opportunity for change to stimulate processes of innovation and improvement, promote the values of inclusion, confrontation and tolerance, consolidate professional exchange actions with teachers from other European nations and to open new paths towards a shared vision of school at European level.
Santos Simões School (Agrupamento de Escolas Santos Simões)

Santos Simões School (Agrupamento de Escolas Santos Simões) is located in the city of Guimarães, in the north of Portugal and develops an educational project with the theme “Thinking the Future Together”. In this year we have 1770 students, in different levels: kindergarten, primary school, basic school, high school. We have 198 foreign students from 23 nationalities.In the high school education, there are scientific and humanistic courses and professional courses.We have: Learning support center; Sports Pavilion; School Library; Project Centers; Amphitheatre, and many more. For many years now we have been doing European exchange, in Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects. One of the most emblematic projects of our school is the “Simãozinho” cattery, which shelters about 50 cats that can be sponsored by the students and their families. Our school pretends to be a school of success and values (Tree of Values).
2nd Junior High school of Orestiada

2nd Junior High school of Orestiada is located in Orestiada, the newest city of Greece and the second largest town of the Evrosregional unit of Thrace. The school operated for the first time in 1971 as a 6th class high school for girls in Orestiada. In 1979 it operated as a mixed secondary school under the name “2nd Gymnasium of Orestiada”, while in 1995 the name “Georgios Vizyinos” was added in honor of the Thracian writer from the neighboring Vizyi of Eastern Thrace. From 1990 to 2011 it operated as a Sports School and won many distinctions in the sports of Volleyball and Track and Field.
Today, with a team of remarkable teachers distinguished by zeal and hard work, we envision the creation of a modern school and work on it every day. The school has a long year tradition on Environmental Studies, with an Environmental Club of students who take on many initiatives for sustainability. Furthermore, there are School Clubs that cover the students' interests and aptitudes: a Journalism Club which publishes the school's students' newspaper, a Literature Club
that studies Georgios Vizyinos and other Clubs concerning Foreign Languages' culture. From this year on, the students in our school are activated in the field of eTwinning programmes, as two programmes are materialized in our school, aspiring to create a new tradition.
Our ultimate goal is to create functionally, socially and critically
literate citizens guided by the value of respect for their classmates,
for fellow human beings, for diversity, for the environment, for
Santos Simões School (Agrupamento de Escolas Santos Simões)

Santos Simões School (Agrupamento de Escolas Santos Simões) is located in the city of Guimarães, in the north of Portugal and develops an educational project with the theme “Thinking the Future Together”. In this year we have 1770 students, in different levels: kindergarten, primary school, basic school, high school. We have 198 foreign students from 23 nationalities.In the high school education, there are scientific and humanistic courses and professional courses.We have: Learning support center; Sports Pavilion; School Library; Project Centers; Amphitheatre, and many more. For many years now we have been doing European exchange, in Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects. One of the most emblematic projects of our school is the “Simãozinho” cattery, which shelters about 50 cats that can be sponsored by the students and their families. Our school pretends to be a school of success and values (Tree of Values).